Proving Family Relationships with Genome Codes of Hash Values
On June 13, 2023, Idena introduced the concept of Web of Trust. Idena aims to achieve the principle of 1Person, 1ID by using a mechanism called flip, similar to a reCAPTCHA, which is solved simultaneously by people around the world. The idea is to solve a problem called The Problem of Common Sense. Those who create these problems (flips) are rewarded with $IDNA. To prevent a Civil Attack, where one person solves multiple problems simultaneously, Idena implemented an Invitation code system. This system restricts access to individuals who attempt to create and solve problems from different accounts. Initially, the purpose was to limit the number of participants, but it also prevents the creation and solving of flips within a closed group of individuals. Idena uses genome codes, similar to Markle Tree, to establish familial relationships. This ensures that flips created within these relationships cannot be solved. According to the Idena Concept Paper, flips are distributed randomly, with two exceptions. First, identities cannot solve flips created by themselves. Second, identities cannot solve flips created by related identities. Related identities are identified by the similarity of their genome codes. Each child identity inherits a genome code from the parent identity that provided the invitation to the Idena network. If two identities have matching genome codes, they are considered relatives. Such linked identities are not permitted to solve flips created by each other. As the Idena network grows, the number of people solving the same flip decreases. In a network of 10,000 users, only two different participants will have the same flip to solve. When the network reaches 30,000 users, only one participant will have a single flip to solve in a validation session.